ES4 Service Pack 1 comes bundled with Jboss EAP 5.2 . To configure multiple instances on the same machine we prefer to pass the binding parameters from commanline.
In case of Correspondence management solution, suppose we have to configure Author and Publish instance on a single Jboss installation. Then we need set the port and crx_repository path on the fly.
Jboss 5.2 does not allow to pass the –D arguments from the command line.
This a known jboss issue introduced with the version 5.2 .
There are a number of alternative methods to set the system properties.
- Create a property file in jboss/bin directory and add the required parameters in the property file
(eg: C:Adobecrx-repository remember to escape the backslash character)
include the property file on Jboss start up
run -c <jboss_instance> -b -P
- Pass the parameters in the run.conf.bat file. If more than one instance needs to be started on the same machine create a separate run.bat and run.conf.bat file for that instance.
To configure Publish instance
copy the run.bat and rename it to run_publish.bat
copy and rename run.conf.bat to run.conf_publish.bat
edit run.bat. Search and replace run.conf.bat to run.conf_publish.bat to point it to the new configuration file.
edit the run.conf_publish.bat file and append the below arguments to JAVA_OPTS
start run_publish.bat from commandline
run_publish -c <Jboss_instance> -b
PS: These steps should also work for a linux based Jboss installation. Make similar changes to the startup script