LiveCycle Correspondence Management is certified on four different languages (English, French , German & Japanese)
Out-of-the-box deployment of Correspondence Management permits usage of characters of asset names to 0-9 A-Z & a-z via keyboard typing but any language characters can be used in description and comment properties and as part of actual text content as well.
Example :
A user can type the characters in description and comment but no in the Name field. An easy way to use such characters for asset names is to type it in description field , copy the word and paste it in Name field but in any customer environment if the organization wants the asset authors to allow usage of such characters for asset names the below steps can be followed to allow users type such characters for asset names.
- Log on to CRXDE Lite http://<hostnameOrIPAddress>:<port>/crx/de/index.jsp as administrator
- Navigate to content/cm/ and double-click tbxeditor-config.xml on left hand side panel
- tbxeditor-config.xml file opens in edit mode on right hand side panel
- search for customAssetNameCharset tag
- Include the special characters that you would like the users to use for asset names, Eg. If you would like to allow users to use Ф in asset name , then include this character in tbxeditor-config.xml file and save it
- In case there is a range of characters that you would like to allow, then specify starting charset and ending charset separated by a hyphen, similar to 0-9
Now the users are allowed to type new characters that are specified in tbxeditor-config.xml
This blog is just an extension to our online docs about this topic which is available at click here
In case of any confusion or more questions feel free to post your query on LiveCycle community forums